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Resilience, our emotional muscle.

Posted on: July 30th, 2020 by Lysa Eastman

Resilience is the ability to adapt to adversity or significant stress. It is not the absence of discomfort during adversity or significant stress. Instead, it is what helps us navigate the unforeseen without being overwhelmed by discomfort. While adversity may feel overwhelming, resilience helps us make decisions not dictated by emotional impulse and with our best interest in mind.

Luckily, resilience is a learned skill. It is something we can work on, or work out like an emotional muscle. In fact, time and time again, we have shown to be more resilient than we realize. 

This article highlights strategies for building resilience: https://www.apa.org/topics/resilience

If you would like to start building your emotional muscle, or maybe could benefit from a tune-up, feel free to contact us!

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