Mental health and re-entering Coronavirus restrictions…
If I look back on all of my conversations regarding Coronavirus related quarantine or shelter-in-place, I can recall one instance where an introverted individual’s daily routine was not significantly impacted. Even then, there were impacts on their business and social interaction. At one point or another, we have had to limit our in-person exposure to those close to us, whether that be friends, family, or our work. Whether we agree with it or not, we must adapt and adjust to the novel Coronavirus. As initial mitigation efforts were effective in slowing the spread of the virus, they did not eradicate it. Various states are now faced with re-implementing restrictions, in an attempt to mitigate the resurgence (and explosion in some instances) in virus spread. It is important to check-in on the psychological impact of reducing our social interactions. We are social creatures, and we do not do well in isolation. However, we are also tremendously resilient and adaptable. Although not ideal, we have shown to be able to adapt to restricted measures designed for the greater good. Focusing solely on the negative, or what we do not like can reinforce those negative thoughts. Now might be the time to highlight some of the strategies that did work in adjusting to this challenging time and some positives that we have experienced. This is by no means meant to downplay an unfortunate moment in history, but rather a reminder that we are more resilient than we sometimes give ourselves credit for.
Here is a quick read that outlines 3 strategies to help refocus on readapting to restrictions. One way I am trying to be conscious is to appreciate the people I can be in physical proximity. Whether that is taking this extra time to consciously invest in my partner or using the additional days to quarantine ourselves to eventually spend time with immunocompromised family, so they are not isolated. At the end of the day, we sacrifice several personal milestones, but it does allow other opportunities.
During this challenging time, we continue to utilize a telemedicine platform to stay connected and do meaningful work with our clients. The restrictive measures can feel extraordinarily lonely, but if you would like to implement strategies to feel connected we can be found here: